2301 Soft skills for hard decisionsWhen striving for a truly sustainable, inclusive development, we often face dilemmas and a high complexity of decision making processes. What skills and competences are necessary to make wise decisions, when no optimal solution is in sight? The project TRACCskills is seeking for answers to this question by focusing on "people skills". It aims to support educators in designing and delivering transformative adult education to convey competences that cover the behavioral aspects of sustainable development. In the course of the LearningPlanet Festival from 24-28 January 2023, the project partners will host an online workshop entitled "Soft skills for hard decisions – Transformative practice-based teaching tools" on 25 January 2023.

Higher education for sustainability urgently needs to convey “people skills”, i.e. skills that empower individuals and groups to review their attitudes and behaviors in the light of planetary boundaries and existing imbalances, as well as skills that enable co-creation of solutions to current challenges across sectoral, disciplinary, and cultural boundaries. 
This interactive online workshop originates from the Erasmus+ project TRACCskills – Transformative, Cross Cutting skills for the SDGs. It aims to support educators in designing and delivering transformative adult education, both formal and non-formal, to convey competences that cover in a cross-disciplinary and cross-sectoral way the behavioral aspects of sustainable development. The project partners (COPERNICUS Alliance, Legacy17 and Visionautik Akademie) will present findings from the project and introduce an online toolbox with methods that can be applied to stimulate processes of transformative learning. In addition, we want to involve the audience actively to further explore what skills and competences are necessary to address future challenges.

"Soft skills for hard decisions – Transformative practice-based teaching tools"
25 January 2023
15.30-17.00 CET
Online (Zoom)


2301 LearningPlanetFestival logoThis workshop takes place as part of the LearningPlanet Festival which each year brings together hundreds of pioneering organizations working in the fields of education, culture, science, social and environmental impact, as well as thousands of engaged students and youth activists from around the world. The whole day of 25 January is dedicated to "Transforming Education Action". Check out the many events during 24-28 January 2023!

► LearningPlanet Festival