Here you can find presentations, text and other materials from the conference:
On-line registration for interactive sessions is closed.
Full descriptions follow below
Facilitator: Lisa Bohunovsky, Mandy Singer-Brodowski
Co-authors: Lisa Bohunovsky, Helga Kromp-Kolb, Gernot Stöglehner, BOKU
Current structures at most universities do not provide adequate incentives to follow such a pathway of transformative research. Thus, the question remains how universities have to change in order to provide framework conditions that allow and even encourage researchers to contribute to societal and sustainability oriented transitions. Such framework conditions include career and evaluation models, publication and teaching practices, necessary skills and university’s self-perceptions.
Group InVEntion Method (GIVE©) by SPES: The method is a democratic tool to collect ideas in a very efficient way also in big groups. It starts from a certain amount of questions. Each question is put on a flip chart sheet, which are attached to the walls and can be accessed freely. Every participant will write down his or her ideas and complement others. In a second step, all participants have time to read all answers and ideas and prioritise them. The highest rated results are then presented and discussed in plenary.
The outcomes of this session can be found here
Faciltator: Jana Dloua and Hilligje van't Land
Co-authors: Jana Dlouha, Hilligje van't Land, Clemens Mader, Dana Kapitulcinova, Laura Machackova Henderson, Charles University of Prague, University of Zurich, COPERNICUS Alliance
Joint IAU/CA interactive session will reflect impact of network cooperation on possibilities to achieve systemic sustainability transition on higher education level. The social capital generated within cooperation in networks plays a role in achieving changes inside involved universities, on interface of university/society, and within the overall policy environment. This session will provide an opportunity to discuss these benefits of networking, while also involving participants in shaping specific joint projects offered recently by IAU/CA (as outlined in MoU – newly launched agreement between IAU and CA).
The World Café is an interactive and problem-solving-oriented brainstorming methodology. The participants in groups will explore several areas of HEIs activities, assess the role of each area within every individual HEI, and within the network, and reflect upon specific opportunities for cooperation in joint IAU/CA projects. They will investigate the role of HE networks to support sustainability transition from different, incl. practical points of view, and share the results of this brainstorming in plenum with the audience.
The outcomes of this session can be found here
Facilitator: Peter Glavic
Author: Peter Glavic, Uni Maribor
UNESCO endorsed the Global Action Programme (GAP) on ESD as the follow-up to the Decade. The GAP will deploy a two-fold approach to multiply and to scale up ESD action: (1) integrating sustainable development into education and (2) integrating education into sustainable development
station talk: This method helps developing new ideas for different topics in a structured way. Participants work in teams of three or four, and rotate from one topic to the next. This way they can comment on the ideas of the previous group and also further develop the ideas.
The outcomes of this session can be found here
Facilitator: Hermann Knoflacher
Co-author: Harald Frey, Research Center of Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering Institute of Transportation, Vienna University of Technology
Transport problems in rich societies are increasing instead of decreasing contrary to other fields of progress. The session will provide the audience with the basic tool to solve problems in this field and to have fun when you understand, why things are going wrong. It is an exercise to look into human brain also. In the session we will show examples that focus on:
· incentives for a low traffic campus
· business travel & congress tourism
· students mobility and structures
· policy framework for universities
Analytical Discourse and practical Scenarios:
The outcomes of this session can be found here
Facilitator: Lara Lütke-Spatz1,3, Hans Stötter3, Johannes Geibel4
Co-Authors:/Co-facilitators: Ingrid Hemmer1 and Markus Vogt2
1Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (Germany), 2Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich (Germany, 3University of Innsbruck (Austria), 4netzwerk n e.V. (Germany),
A set of criteria is being developed that allows Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Bavaria, Germany, to systematically identify and monitor their sustainability activities in the following six fields: ‘Governance’, ‘Teaching and Learning’, ‘Research’, ‘Campus Management’, 'Dialogue with Society' and 'Student Engagement' (whole-institution approach). The focus of the project lies on internal processes at HEIs, rather than on external reporting mechanisms, in order to help embed sustainability into the structures of HEIs in Germany. The research project is funded by the Bavarian Ministry of Environment and Consumer Protection.
Station Talk: This method helps develop new ideas for different topics in a structured way. Participants work in teams of three to five, and rotate from one topic to the next. This way they can comment on the ideas of the previous group and also further develop the ideas.
The outcomes of this session can be found here
Facilitator: Franz Rauch
Author: Franz Rauch, Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt
The goal of the University Course BINE is to encourage participants to deal as a “community of learners” with subject information on sustainable development (SD) and education for sustainable development (ESD) in a reflected way. The participants are teacher-educators and teachers who work on sustainable development issues and their educational challenges.
With the method Analytical Discourse a group is able to investigate and analyse a situation/project in a participatory and democratic approach. The main steps of the Analytical Discourse are: Information, Questions (Rules: Only questions, no critical comments, no suggestions), Reflextion (give comments, share reflections etc. no question rule anymore) and Development of theses.
The outcomes of this session can be found here
Facilitator: Peter Schildermans
Author: Peter Schildermans, ECOCAMPUS, Program on Sustainable Higher Education, Government of Flanders, Belgium
Trying to better define wicked problems, dividing them in smaller sub-problems and merely adding more data, doesn’t solve them. Living Labs are about “relationship building and having deeper conversations, so that – for example – a sociologist, a scientist and council engineer might all be working on the problem of urban flood prevention. Each sees the problem through their own lens, and with Living Lab they learn to see things from each other’s perspective so they can work together.
The outcomes of this session can be found here
Full descriptions follow below
Facilitator: Michael Ambros
Co-authors: Petra Biberhofer, Lukas Harlan & Christian Rammel, WU Wien, BOKU
First, participants of this session get introduced to two different examples focusing on ways to open up universities in the context of inter- and transdisciplinary learning and teaching. The first example is the European funded project CASE Competencies of A Sustainable socio-Economic development were ten university and business partners from 5 countries jointly accept the need of new ways of teaching and learning as well as a strong cooperation between higher education and business to enhance a sustainable socio-economic development in general and new forms of sustainability-driven enterprises
In particular. The second example is the master program public policy focusing on political and social entrepreneurship. The program will be provided from the School for Political Design and invites professionals of any age with hands-on experience in political, scientific, cultural, economic, or social environments. It is designed to enable students to develop, communicate and implement a concrete social or political project on the basis of effective action and responsible decision-making. The program enables the students with all necessary analytical and practical skills to become a civic minded leader and/or an innovative entrepreneur in a political or social context.
Step 1 (station talk/working in groups): Observation of the problem / brainstorming to develop and discuss good practice approaches, knowledge exchange and sharing between participants, collection of main problems/main challenges concerning key questions.
Step 2 (rapid prototyping): Prototyping is a method connected to design thinking usually implemented over several loops. Linked to a time based, iteration and positive approach which carries the science society - interface into effect, it aims to develop concrete applicable solution concepts which last beyond the actual interactive session conducted during the Copernicus Alliance conference. As such examples presented in the beginning of the session and contributed by the participants will be used and analysed concerning good practices and further developed -> presentation results.
As such the strategy of the session is to focus on concrete inter- and transdisciplinary project development in terms of accurate problem analysis and identification of entry points. How do you get first ideas for troubleshooting to actual implementation?
The workshop cannot cover all steps usually practiced via rapid prototyping. Consequently, learnings have to be integrated into a new phase and presented to users afterwards. The aim of the session is also to establish working groups beyond the session.
The outcomes of this session can be found here
Facilitator: Sybille Chiari,
Co-authors: Sybille Chiari & Dominik Schmitz, BOKU
This workshop aims to bring together different perspectives, ideas, strategies and measures on how to support universities to become carbon neutral. As intro we will very briefly summarise the preliminary outcomes of a research project on accounting greenhouse gas emissions at universities.
World Disney method to talk about possible pathways towards carbon neutral universities. The participants will join the three groups (the dreamers, the realists and the critics) in a circular mode to create, discuss, exchange and challenge ideas and possible strategies and solutions for carbon neutral universities.
1. capture others scientist’s perspective on the general idea of carbon neutral universities
2. illustrate most relevant barriers on the pathway towards carbon neutral universities
3. compare emission reduction strategies persued by others as well as concrete measures that have been implemented at their home universities
Facilitator: Filip Colson
Co-authors: Filip Colson & Leen Audenaert, Ecocampus, Sustainable Higher Education, Government of Flanders, Belgium
Tackling the hardest hurdle in sustainable development: the transformation of research. What can you learn from the implementation of strong sustainability in HE research in Flanders, Belgium?
Journalist technique: depending on the number of participants, we will have 3 or 4 questions or statements, 3 or 4 groups --> each person answers 1 question. A interviews B about question A --> B-A: B --> new couples: ... until everybody has answered all questions. (All questioning phases each take ten minutes.) End: regroup: analyze the answers.
The outcomes of this session can be found here
Facilitator: Clemens Mader, Jana Dlouha, Laura Macháčková Henderson
Author: Jana Dlouha, Charles University in Prague
COPERNICUS Alliance has drafted a new CA Charta that will be launched at the end of the conference. This new document is supposed to reflect last developments in Sustainability debates, and anticipate new roles of universities in changing knowledge landscape. The session is dedicated to involve participants in the development of the final draft version of the Charta. After this participants will still have the opportunity for changing small parts of the Charta, but the structure and main contents will be finalized in this session.
PopCorn and Focus groups: In this session, we will have intense, structured discussion on the purpose, content, and possibilities for implementation of the renewed COPERNICUS Charta; its purpose is to achieve reliable, justified feedback as a basis for developing the document. Discussion within the group will be moderated as a process of “guided interaction” participants will stimulate each other in an exchange of ideas, motivations, feelings, and values behind them. “PopCorn” method will give a chance to elicit comments from those who feel moved to share them.
The outcomes of this session can be found here
Facilitator: Insa Otte
Co-authors: Insa Otte, Antje Brock & Mandy Singer-Brodowski, Free University Berlin, Institut Futur
The “Monitoring of the GAP ESD” at Freie Universität Berlin tries to evaluate the status quo and the quality of ESD in Germany. Qualitative and quantitative research are supposed to provide central drivers and barriers as well as leverage points for the German educational system. Discussing the concept of the monitoring as well as out of the point of the view of the participants the questions of central drivers and barriers for mainstreaming ESD the higher educational system is focus of this session.
Plenary discussion & World Café: World café is an interactive and problem-solving-oriented brainstorming methodology. It aims at developing innovative solutions for complex tasks. This is achieved by intensive discussions in small groups, where people from different backgrounds exchange their experience and cooperate to develop new ideas.
The outcomes of this session can be found here
Facilitator: Michael Scoullos
Author: Michael Scoullos, UNESCO Chair and Network on SD Management &Education, University of Athens; MEdIES/MIO-ECSDE
The proposed interactive session will review few examples and focus on the experience of the author in using concept mapping for enhancing comprehension and building consensus on issues related to (E)SD among different combinations of stakeholders and in a variety of settings: e.g. in classrooms and "knowledge construction" environments by identifying knowledge gaps and misconceptions and/or by reaching agreement on optimal ways to present issues.
Concept mapping is a way of developing logical thinking and, in a variety of forms, could help individuals or groups to clarify and elaborate their ideas about a given topic and present them in a visual way
One or two collectively constructed concept maps on issue(s) to be selected by the participants and some suggestion on their use on ESD/SD consensus building processes
Facilitator: Rafael Requena Valiente
Co-authors: Cécile Sauvage (FEH), Maria Isabel Dominguez Perelló (NOVOTEC), Universitat Autònoma Barcelona, Fundación Equipo Humano, NOVOTEC Consultores SA
The main objective of U-MOB LIFE project is the creation of a university network to facilitate the exchange and transfer of knowledge about sustainable mobility best practices among European universities.
Practical Scenarios: The principle is to ask participants to give a solution to a given problem related to mobility framed in a story contextualised in a university campus and oriented toward the questions for discussions presented below. Concretely, we will propose active participation to problem solving, leading to a reflection and abstract conceptualisation for further application.
Highlight main challenges faced by universities on sustainability in relation to mobility. Assess importance of networking in sustainable mobility solutions.Check interest of Universities on joining European Network of mobility management at campus
Facilitator: Anne Zimmermann
Co-authors: Anne Zimmermann, Karl Herweg, Andreas Kläy & Doris Wastl-Walter, University of Bern
Universities educate future agents of change; if they pledge to commit to sustainable development (SD), they can contribute to “the great transformation”. However, in the context of ESD, even when universities actively support integration of SD in teaching, their mainstreaming efforts have limited effect because they lack a reference framework to valorize SD integration.
The World Café is an interactive and problem-solving-oriented brainstorming methodology. It aims at developing innovative solutions for complex tasks. This is achieved by intensive discussions in small groups, where people from different backgrounds exchange their experience and cooperate to develop new ideas.
The outcomes of this session can be found here
Creating a Supportive Environment for Transformative Research at Universities - Facilitator: Lisa Bohunovsky, Mandy Singer-Brodowski
University networking innovation to foster ESD - Author/facilitator: Jana Dlouhá, Hilligje van't Land
The 12 key issues of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) - Author/facilitator: Peter Glavić
Transport as a key driver for climate change - Author/facilitator: Hermann Knoflacher
Criteria for Monitoring Sustainability at Higher Education Institutions in Bavaria - A Whole-Institution Approach - Author/facilitator: Lara Lütke-Spatz
University Course “Education for Sustainable Development – Innovations in Schools and Higher Education“ - Author/facilitator: Franz Rauch
Cases of Transdisciplinary Learning and Teaching - Authors/facilitators: Michael Ambros, Petra Biberhofer, Lukas Harlan, Christian Rammel
Sustainability in academic research, the answer to societal challenges - What can you learn from the implementation of strong sustainability in HE research in Flanders, Belgium? - Author/Facilitator: Filip Colson
Re-developing the COPERNICIUS Alliance Charta - Author/facilitaor: Clemens Mader, Jana Dlouha
The ESD Monitoring Framework in Germany – how to measure the impact of the Global Action Program on Education for Sustainable Development - Author/facilitator: Insa Otte
Working towards a robust reference framework to strengthen integration of sustainable development in university teaching - Author/facilitator: Anne Zimmermann
zeiler organic kitchen
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live sustainability actively and participate in our overall concept:
...100% use of organic products
...collaboration with regional producers
...prevention of long-distance transportation
...use of environmental friendly catering materials
...reduced packaging
...distribution of leftovers - since 2014 we distribute leftovers through the viennese project "tafelbox"
...use of renewable energy and environmentally friendly cleaning agents
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The call for contributions is closed.
Be the host of your interactive session! Combine a topic with your favourite participative methodological approach and design your concept for either a 45 minute or a 90 minute interactive session. Shorter activities will be grouped together. We encourage you to bring your own ideas and methods, however, if necessary, we will be pleased to support you with our experience. Suggestions for methods can also be found e.g. in the Sustainicum Collection.
Please send us an abstract of your interactive action concept (1. title, 2. author/facilitator and contact person, 3. co-authors / co-facilitators, 4. institution, 5. email, 6. topic description 200-250 words, 7. method + procedure description of 200-250 words) as a word attachment.
If we select your interactive action, you will need to act as the host during the interactive session. You will need to bring all required materials to the conference. If informed sufficiently in advance, we will support your action the best we can.
You may present max. 1 poster (format A0 or A1) as a main author. In the "poster walk and talk" you will be able to present your poster. Participants will be able to rate the posters in view of their interest in the topic. The authors of the 3 posters with the highest ranking will be invited to present their poster to the plenum (10 minutes pitch).
Please send us an abstract of your poster (1. title, 2. author/facilitator and contact person, 3. co-authors / co-facilitators, 4. institution, 5. email, 6. abstract 200-250 words) as a word attachment, or the poster screenshot as a pdf attachment if available.
Selected posters need to be submitted as pdf attachment (max. 10 MB) for the digital conference handbook. In addition, posters (format A0 or A1) have to be brought to the conference. Since a 10 minutes pitch for the final session will be expected for the highest ranked posters, you need to prepare the pitch in advance.
A limited number of selected videos will be screened, in order to enable participants not travelling to Vienna to provide additional stimulations for the participants.
Please send an abstract of the video (1. title, 2. author, 3. institution, 4. email, 5. abstract of the video 200-300 words) as a word attachment. If selected, the video file will need to be uploaded to our server (more information below). Only high quality videos will be accepted (shot with a tripod, 1920x1080, high quality audio and video!).
If your video is selected, you will need to upload the final video file. The duration of the video may not exceed 4 minutes. The preferred format is *.mov; video codec H264, size FullHD 1920x1080, 25fps; audio: AAC, Stereo, 48 kKz; max. size 1GB. Since the movie will be displayed on a big screen, please use a tripod for your recordings. If you upload videos in a different format, we will endeavour to convert your video to the required format but we cannot guarantee a successful conversion.
Hotel Wilhelmshof G.m.b.H.
Kleine Stadtgutgasse 4 | 1020 Wien | Österreich
Tel. +43/1/214 55 21-13 | Fax +43/1/214 55 21-33
available accomodation: 15 classic double rooms, 10 superior double rooms
Der Wilhelmshof is a designhotel between the city center of Vienna and the famous Prater. In the 2nd district of Vienna (the Viennese Leopoldstadt), the hotel is located in a quiet side alley. The family run 4-star hotel close to the old town impresses not only with the good location, but also with a warm and artistic atmosphere. Der Wilhelmshof operates the biggest solar collectors of the hotel sector in Vienna. The commitment and effort for the environment have been rewarded with the Austrian Eco Label – an award for businesses who go far beyond the regulatory requirements when it comes to environmental protection and the protection of resources. The hotel staff would also thank the guests with a small present for a green arrival at the hotel (e.g. arrival by train).
Date: Sept. 13th - 15th 2016, 2 nights
room: 20-24 m2, artistic wall design and a classic bathroom
standard rate: € 110,00 per room and night (cancellation for free till Sept. 11th), or
special price: € 99,00 per room and night (non refundable!)
breakfast: breakfast buffet included
Date: Sept. 13th - 15th 2016, 2 nights
room: 22-26 m2, modern room with personality and a modern bathroom
standard rate: € 120,00 per room and night (cancellation for free till Sept. 11th), or
special price: € 108,00 per room and night (non refundable!)
breakfast: breakfast buffet included
For booking a room, please send the booking form via email. The hotel will need your credit card information: provider, name, number, date of expiry. You can also communicate these information via phone. The card information will be used for reservation purposes only, and will not be charged in advance. When booking a room via telephone, please use the booking code "COPERNICUS".
Breakfast buffet (included): Tuesday – Friday 6:00 - 11:00 a.m., Saturday + Sunday + Monday 7:00 - 11:00 a.m. The breakfast also inkludes a selection of organic and regional products, as well as products free of gluten and lactose.
earliest check-in: 14:00 (2 p.m.)
latest check-out: 12:00 (noon)
(later chack-out available on request).
available in the whole hotel free of charge.
Our conference is a green meeting. Please travel by bycicle, train and public transport whenever possible!
If you have to fly to Vienna, please do not forget the carbon offsetting of your flights! We recommend the following carbon offsetting option.
standard rate: cancellation for free till Sept. 11th
special rate: no cancellation possible
Hackengasse 20 | 1150 Wien | Österreich
Tel. +43/1/982 42 72 | Fax +43/1/982 42 72 56
H.S.Hotelbetriebs G.m.b.H.available accommodation: 4 budget single rooms, 11 standard double rooms, 10 comfort double rooms
At eco-friendly Hotel Stadthalle, environmental awareness has top priority. Depending on the weather, the 130 m² of solar panels heat up enough hot water to supply the entire hotel. Water from the well is used to flush the toilets and to tend the unique hotel garden and lavender roof, which is Vienna’s largest lavender field. During the summer you are welcome to start your day with a hearty and healthy breakfast in the garden, surrounded by fragrant lavender and rose bushes. Hotel Stadthalle was the first eco-friendly hotel in Vienna and was awarded with the European eco-label.
Date: Sept. 13th - 15th 2016, 2 nights
room: small 10 m2 room
price: € 73,00 per room and night (special conference rate)
breakfast: organic breakfast buffet included
Date: Sept. 13th - 15th 2016, 2 nights
room: comfortable, with street view
price single room: € 83,00 per room and night (special conference rate)
price double room: € 103,00 per room and night (special conference rate)
breakfast: organic breakfast buffet included
Date: Sept. 13th - 15th 2016, 2 nights
room: more comfortable, with garden view
price: € 93,00 per room and night (special conference rate)
breakfast: organic breakfast buffet included
You can book 2 extra nights maximum for the special conference rate (e.g. reservation from Sept. 12th – 17th 2016 = 4 nights special conference rate + 1 night normal rate)
For booking a room, please send the booking form via email. The hotel will need your credit card information: provider, name, number, date of expiry. You can also communicate these information via phone. The card information will be used for reservation purposes only, and will not be charged in advance. When booking a room via telephone, please use the booking code "COPERNICUS".
Breakfast buffet (included): Monday – Thursday 6:30 - 10:00 a.m., Saturday + Sunday 7:00-10:30 a.m.
earliest check-in: 14:00 (2 p.m.)
latest check-out: 11:00 a.m.
(later check-out available on request).
available in the whole hotel free of charge.
Our conference is a green meeting. Please travel by bycicle, train and public transport whenever possible!
If you have to fly to Vienna, please do not forget the carbon offsetting of your flights! We recommend the following carbon offsetting option.
08:30-09:30 |
Registration, check of registration for interactive sessions, coffee |
09:30-09:50 |
Helga Kromp-Kolb: "If we call for change in our universities, we must be ready to live that change!” |
09:50-10:10 |
10:10-10:45 |
10:45-11:45 |
11:45-12:45 |
12:45-13:45 |
13:45-15:15 |
15:15-15:45 |
15:45-16:15 |
16:15-17:15 |
Keynote II + plenum questions: Maik Adomßent: Global trends in sustainability science - From academic advances to application in public policy | |
17:30-20:00 |
Informal buffet-style food, drinks and music! Participants are required to register and pay 25 € for the evening event. Please bring 25€ for registration to the welcome desk.
(and outdoors if the weather is fine) |
* Participants are required to register online by 12th September for their preferred interactive sessions.
08:30-09:15 |
Registration, check of registration for interactive sessions, coffee |
09:15-09:30 |
09:30-10:45 |
10:45-12:15 |
SR 04, 05, 06, 07, 09 and 10 @ Schwackhöfer Haus | |
12:15-13:15 |
13:15-13:40 |
13:40-14:20 |
14:20-15:50 |
Interactive sessions plenum discussion: learnings/challenges/results |
15:50-16:00 |
* Participants are required to register online for interactive session before the conference.
09:00-12:00 |
CA Annual General Meeting (for CA members and people/institutions interested in membership) |
Faculty Club @ Schwackhöfer Haus (roof top) |
At the beginning of each conference day our friendly helping hands at the welcome desk will be pleased to welcome you to the COPERNICUS Conference 2016. You will need to sign in for the ongoing day. At your first visit at BOKU the staff will confirm your in-advance-online-registration for the interactive parallel sessions. After registration you will have access to the conference rooms. With a coffee or tea (served by Zeiler Organic Kitchen) in your hand, you will definitely enjoy the conference start!
Helga Kromp-Kolb will open the conference with a short welcome speech. She will reflect the motivations for the conference themes and the unconventional conference design.
Helga Kromp-Kolb is Head of the Center for Global Change and Sustainability at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU). She is engaged in enhancing sustainability in University education and research in Austria and was instrumental in founding the Alliance of Sustainable Universities in Austria. Kromp-Kolb is also Professor of Meteorology at BOKU, specializing in climate change (downscaling from the global to regional and local levels), air pollution dispersion and nuclear risks. She is scientific consultant to the Austrian government and member of scientific councils such as the Austrian Climate Fund. Kromp-Kolb has been awarded a number of prizes for her scientific work and was elected “Scientist of the Year 2005” by the Austrian Science Journalists Association.
Clemens Mader will continue with the second short opener: "The role of the COPERNICUS Alliance". He will talk about the work and aims of the COPERNICUS Alliance and introduce the process for the new COPERNICUS Alliance Charta.
Clemens Mader holds a MSc. in Environmental System Science with an emphasis on Human Geography from University of Graz, Austria. After studies he worked as president of oikos International, the International Student Organisation for Sustainable Economics and Management, based at University of St. Gallen (Switzerland). In 2006 Clemens came back to University of Graz where he was co-founder and director of the Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development Graz-Styria and finished his PhD in Human Geography, Sustainability and Innovation Sciences (2009). In 2012 Clemens became Visiting Professor for Environment and Sustainability at Leuphana University of Lüneburg (Germany). Further positions include visiting lecturer at University of Hiroshima (Japan, 2008) and a visiting professorship at University of Novi Sad (Serbia, 2009, 2010). Since 2014 he works as a research associate with the Sustainability Team at University of Zurich and runs a professional training programme on ESD. He is the president of the COPERNICUS Alliance.
Barbara Hinterstoisser (Vice Rector for Teaching and International Affairs) will warmly welcome you to the conference.
HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus
Mandy Singer-Brodowski works at Free University of Berlin, Institut Futur and in the Monitoring of the UNESCO Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development.
Full text of the speach for download
^ Back to Day 1 schedule
At the "poster walk and talk", you will be able to sip a coffee or tea and eat little starter (served by Zeiler Organic Kitchen), while visiting the different posters in the poster market place. You will experience participative learning methods, innovative teaching resources and newest scientific outcomes on ESD and Sustainability Transformation of Science Systems. Choose your own walk and talk! Get directly in touch with the authors and discuss your points of interest in a friendly relaxing atmosphere!
Background information: After submission of the posters - well in advance of the conference - the authors will be asked whether they are willing to talk about their topic in front of the plenum. Those authors who agree, will prepare a short 10 minutes speech in advance. They will not know yet, if they will - in addition to the poster walk and talk - also be able to held the speech in front of the plenum. This will be a decision by the participants at the conference!
The participants will decide which two posters will be discussed in front of the plenum. At the beginning of the conference, each participant will be handed out a set of personal Expression-of-Interest Posterpoints. During the conference, they will be able to stick the points directly to the most thrilling posters and in that way express their interest in a plenum talk about the topic of this poster. The Posterpoint will definitely not rate the quality, but the level of interest in this topic. The topics which have collected the most Posterpoints ("Top interest posters") will be discussed on the 2nd day within the "poster plenum talk".
Served by our caterer Zeiler Organic Kitchen. Please enjoy our conference lunch!
Note: For these sessions the participants will have to register in advance before the conference start. Each interactive session will result in 3 key learnings und 1 challenge. Important findings will be discussed in the "Interactive sessions plenum discussion" on 2nd day 14:20-15:50.
6 -12 parallel interactive sessions each conference day give you plenty of room to go into depth of your favourite topic. Each interactive session is hosted by the author of the session. He submitted the session via the conference call and is responsible for the topic, key questions, and also the favourite participative methodological approach. Each session must result in 3 key outcomes and 1 challenge.
Participants are required to register online for interactive session before the conference.
Served by our caterer Zeiler Organic Kitchen. Please enjoy our coffee and tea and sweets!
A limited number of selected videos will be screened, in order to enable participants not travelling to Vienna to provide additional stimulations and inputs for the participants. All accepted short videos (4 minutes max. length) will be merged together to a half-our videoclip. We will not accept videos of poor picture or sound quality or shot without a tripod.
Maik Adomßent will contribute the second of four keynotes. He will provide insights to a global UNESCO initiative on sustainability science, as well as refer on to how global policies like the UN Sustainable Development Goals or the UNESCO Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development impact higher education institutions. There will be enough room to ask questions and get directly in contact with the keynote speaker.
Catering: Käsespätzle with salad (Cheese Spaetzle) and Kaiserschmarren (sliced, sugared pancake with raisins) + drinks. This event is not a formal sit-down dinner but will be an informal buffet-style event.
Music: Hurdy gurdy street organ by Oliver Maar
Participants are required to register and pay 25 € for the evening event. Please bring 25€ for registration to the welcome desk.
At the beginning of each conference day our friendly helping hands at the welcome desk are pleased to welcome you to the COPERNICUS Conference 2016. You will need to sign in for the ongoing day. At your first visit at BOKU the staff will hand out your personal welcome map and also confirm your in-advance-online-registration for the interactive parallel sessions. After registration you will have access to the conference rooms. With a coffee or tea (served by Zeiler Organic Kitchen) in your hand, you will definitely enjoy the conference start!
HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus
After the registration for the second day, you will be warmly welcomed by the conference team.
HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus
- Signing of Memorandum of Understanding between IAU and CA
- Dzulkifli Abdul Razak: "Institutional policies and practices to transform universities for sustainable development. IAU’s perspective". Dzul is the President of the International Association of Universities and former Vice Chancellor of Universiti Sains Malaysia. You can watch his TEDx-Talk about "Sejahtera - The Context of Balancing" here.
- Prof. Lawrence Rajendran: "ScienceMatters : an open science publishing platform for single observations". Lawrence is a renowned expert in the cell biology of Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Rajendran has made pioneering contributions in the field of exosomes and neurodegeneration. He is one of the founding members of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) and served on the board as the Steering committee member. On the social side, he is also the founder of raise.rural, a non-profit organization dedicated to support rural students in India to pursue research. He has won many awards and honors suc as the German Neuroscience Society's Schilling's prize, the Breuer Award, and others. Rajendran featured in the 2009 World's top 100 Scientists. He is also the founder and Chairman of ScienceMatters, the next generation open-access and open science journal platform that publishes single observations in science.
SR 04, 05, 06, 07, 09 and 10 @ Schwackhöfer Haus
- For these sessions the participants will have to register in advance before the conference start.
- Each interactive session will result in 3 key learnings und 1 challenge. Important findings will be discussed in the "Interactive sessions plenum discussion" on 2nd day 14:20-15:50.
6 -12 parallel interactive sessions each conference day give you plenty of room to go into depth of your favourite topic. Each interactive session is hosted by the author of the session. He submitted the session via the conference call and is responsible for the topic, key questions, and also the favourite participative methodological approach. The hosts of the sessions will be asked to work on 3 key outcomes and 1 challenge.
Participants are required to register online for interactive session before the conference.
Aula @ Schwackhöfer Haus
Served by our caterer Zeiler Organic Kitchen. Please enjoy our conference lunch!
HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus
Clemens Mader will give a short overview of the comments and suggestions for the COPERNICUS Alliance Charta given by the conference participants on the first day.
HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus
On the first conference day, during the "poster walk and talk", you were able to explore the different posters about participative learning methods, innovative teaching ressources and newest scientific outcomes on ESD and Sustainability Transformation of Science Systems. The participants were asked to stick their personal Expression-of-Interest Posterpoints to the most thrilling posters.
During the poster plenum talk, the two top interest posters will be introduced and discussed.
HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus
The aim of our conference is not only to present new findings, but also to give room for discussions. Key learnings und challenges of the parallel interactive sessions will be discussed here.
HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus
Faculty Club @ Schwackhöfer Haus (roof top)
The Copernicus Alliance Conference 2016 will be held at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna, Austria. The conference venue is located at the "Wilhelm-Exner Haus" and the neighboured "Schwackhöfer Haus", two representative buildings at the "BOKU Türkenschanze" (the three BOKU headquarters are Vienna Türkenschanze, Vienna Muthgasse and Tulln).
Wilhelm-Exner Haus, Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 Vienna: Room HS 01
Schwackhöfer Haus, Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 Vienna: Aula + Seminar rooms 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09 and 10
The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna was founded in 1872 and is today an attractive place for more than 12,000 students. BOKU regards itself as a teaching and research center for renewable resources which are necessary for human life. It is BOKU's objective to help make a considerable contribution to the conservation and protection of resources for future generations by providing diversity in its fields of study. Within its 15 departments and 70 institutes, BOKU connects natural sciences, engineering, and economic sciences, and fosters the exchange of knowledge of the ecologically and economically sustainable use of natural resources.
An important feature of BOKU's research lies in its recognition of future problems and the efforts to provide and stimulate practical relevance.
BOKU provides 9 bachelors and 25 masters studies. Its teaching is designed holistically and in a coordinated manner. It leads graduates to knowledge, understanding, and flexibility. From this program, they gain the willingness to face future challenges and the capability to meet them in a competent way. The cosmopolitan scientific vocational education and training enable them to understand complex interdisciplinary relationships.
In its sustainability strategy, BOKU amongst others committed to one important goal: "During their student life, every BOKU student must, at least once, deal intensively with the topics of sustainability". In order to reach this high aim, BOKU reorganizes the existing teaching structures and creates new learning opportunities for students as well as lecturers to deal with education for sustainable development.
With the COPERNICUS Alliance membership, BOKU primarily aims to foster inter- and transdisciplinary exchange of good practice and knowledge on ESD as well as to have access to up-to-date solutions for current ESD challenges.
The COPERNICUS Alliance Conference 2016 is a great opportunity for both the Alliance and BOKU. It is our goal that BOKU will organize this conference under the “Green Meeting” directive of the Austrian Eco Label. Hence, COPERNICUS Alliance will be able to hold a green meeting certified conference for the first time since the foundation of the Alliance. BOKU accepts this challenge with honour.
If you have any feedback regarding "Green Meeting", please use our official Green meeting feedback form
Our recommended hotels:
(available till August 16th)
Details about accommodation in "Boutiquehotel Stadthalle"
(available till August 16th)
The conference will be organized as a “Green Meeting” under the directive of the Austrian Eco Label. Therefore, the organisation team invites all participants to choose environmentally-friendly means of transportation, including (night) trains and public transportation systems. The following section gives you some hints to make this happen.
When you register for the conference, you will be asked to optionally buy a 3-day-ticket valid on all public transport services in Vienna. The normal vienna ticket price would be 16.50€, but in combination with the conference ticket you will pay 10€ only - we truly want to motivate you not to use a taxi!
We will buy the ticket for you in advance, and hand them over to you at the registration desk. At the moment we are working on a solution to send the tickets to you via email or mobile phone. We will come back with more information on that later.
Please think about our environment and your CO2 footprint. Please avoid travelling by airplaine if your flight is under 750 km. There are many convenient train connections to Vienna from the neighbour countries, with which you save time and especially CO2 emissions (see map below).
However, if you have to fly to Vienna, please do not forget the carbon offsetting of your flights! There are many options to do so, but not all are scientifically worthwhile. We recommend the BOKU carbon offsetting system as it provides funds for successful climate protection projects.
Please also avoid using taxis, whenever a Viennese public transport is available (underground, tram, bus, bicycle, walking).
Options from VIE airport:
Please think of our environment! Always use the suburban railway or airport train instead of shuttle bus or taxi, even if it takes you a bit more of your valuable time. Thank you!
Airport, hotels and BOKU
The closest train station to Boutiquehotel Stadthalle is the "Westbahnhof". Please use tram 18 or U1/U3 (15 min ride) when you arrive at "Hauptbahnhof".
Short walk from the Westbahnhof to the hotel: here you find a big subway station of the brown subway (U6) and orange subway (U3).
Vienna has a large bike lane network and you can rent a bike to come to the venue. There are different possibilities, being the most popular the “Citybike” hiring system. Further possibilities to hire a bike for several days are available here.
If you hire a bike from Citybike, PLEASE NOTE that the venue’s nearest parking station is 8 min walking (the closest station to your hotel is only 5 min walk). If you park your bike at the BOKU premises you will need your own lock and you will pay fees (e.g. 31€ if you hire your bike from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.).
How does Citybike work? There are more than 120 Citybike stations in the city. You need 1€ and your credit card to register in advance at the website. At the station, you have to confirm with your credit card, choose the available bike, and let’s go!
If you need support please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.!
Please walk 10 min from the Hotel (A) to the subway station „Burggasse-Stadthalle“ (1). Take the „brown subway (U6)“ with direction „Floridsdorf“ 8 min to station Währinger Straße (2), walk 1 min to the bus stop (3) and take the bus 40A with direction „Döblinger Friedhof“ 9 min to the bus stop Borkowskigasse (4) and walk 1 min to the entry of the BOKU "Wilhelm-Exner Haus"(B).
Your path from your hotel to the „BOKU conference venue“. The brown subway (U6) mostly rides on top of an old water aqueduct.Vienna has a large bike lane network and you can rent a bike to come to the venue. There are different possibilities, being the most popular the “Citybike” hiring system. Further possibilities to hire a bike for several days are available here.
If you hire a bike from Citybike, PLEASE NOTE that the venue’s nearest parking station is 8 min walking (the closest station to your hotel is only 3 min walk). If you park your bike at the BOKU premises you will need your own lock and you will pay fees (e.g. 31€ if you hire your bike from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.).
How does Citybike work? There are more than 120 Citybike stations in the city. You need 1€ and your credit card to register in advance at the website. At the station, you have to confirm with your credit card, choose the available bike, and let’s go!
If you need support please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.!
Please walk 10 min from the Hotel (A) to the subway station „Praterstern“ (1). Take the „violet subway (U2)“ with direction „Karlsplatz“ 4 min to station Schottentor (2), walk 3 min to the bus stop 40A (3) and take the bus 40A with direction „Felix-Dahn-Straße (Döblinger Friedhof)“ 20 min to the bus stop "Borkowskigasse" (4), and finally walk 1 min to the entry of the BOKU "Wilhelm-Exner Haus"(B).
Your path from your hotel Der Wilelmshof to the „BOKU conference venue“.
Please walk 5 min from the Hotel to the subway station „Westbahnhof“ (A). Take the „orange subway (U3)“ with direction „Simmering“ 10 min to „Stephansplatz“ (B). This is the City Center.
You can also walk the beautiful Mariahilferstraße (partially pedestrian zone).
The city center is a short 5’ walk from the hotel to the Westbahnhof and a 10’ subway ride with the orange subway (U3). Close to the Westbahnhof, at the „Europaplatz“ you will find the big shopping street Mariahilferstraße. When you follow this street for a 20 min walk (without sopping!), you will reach the Ringstraße with ist famous Ringstraßen-Buildings from the 19th century (museums, Rathaus and Viennese opera buildings).